Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Newspaper Review

Newspaper Article
A person who set up 3 charities and earned over $10000 in public donations was sent to prison for 5 years and 2 months which is the stiffest sentence ever gave to somebody linked to the public donations. A District Judge commented that he deserves a long sentence due to his 3 bogus charities and his cheat which fooled everybody. I feel that many people nowadays are using charities or donation as a way to fool everybody to donate money so as to be able to embezzle money. Look at the earlier story on the Ren Ci Hospital’s monk who embezzled money which were donated by people who were touched by his actions like walking on a rope over a high height over Suntec City. His actions were really touching and was really daring in his actions. He was using people’s feelings and sympathy to be able to be able to embezzle money. Evil will always not be able to overpass good, who will be expecting that he embezzled money? Many people will not expecting it and felt ihe was willing to be able to help the needies. Now the public and people who look at him in a different way. Are you willing to be looked at a different way and people calling you like an evil person who embezzled money or be the same as the public? Choose for yourselves

My Favourite Food

I have lots of favourite foods which I love to see on my dining table for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My favourite foods are chicken chop, fish and chips, yong tau foo, fast food, sashimi and minced pork noodles. Listing all the food which I like, cause me now to salivate but only one food cause me to fall in love the first day I ate it and now, I drooling with fast speed.

Hainanese chicken rice is a dish of Chinese origin most commonly associated with Malaysian cuisine or Singaporean cuisine, although it is also commonly sold in neighbouring Thailand, and found in Hainan, China itself.

Why do I love it?

Firstly, the Hainanese chicken rice’s aroma is inviting and mouth watering. You will be salivating the whole time. Next, the look of the chicken rice is so tempting that you will be purchasing like many packets of the chicken rice to have for dinner. Thirdly, the chicken is rather tender and also juicy which is why I love chicken rice. Next, I can hear the chicken rice saying “Come have me for dinner, you will be addicted” I heard these words when I tried my first plate of chicken rice.

I will give a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 stars. I especially love the chicken rice sold at the Bishan kopitiam near my house. Finish reading my blog? Let’s head for the chicken rice shop!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

News- World's Information

Students should stay in touch with the news all around the world everyday as it is important to be on familiar terms with the news. How can you stay in touch with the news? We can be able to have the world’s information on our hands in the course of reading the newspaper which is distributed to students in the morning or watching the news or even surfing on the internet.

Firstly, let’s blog on reading the newspaper. Reading the newspaper is one of the most effective ways as it is easy and convenient to attain news. It is an anytime, anywhere and any day information collector. Enter a public place and you’re able to see people reading or viewing the “freshly baked” newspapers at the newspaper stand. One of the disadvantages of reading the newspaper is that when people have finished viewing the newspaper, they throw the newspaper on the floor and they leave. Where is the clean and green country? Newspaper, in my opinion, ranks 2nd!
Next, let’s say in relation to watching the news. Watching the news is the most relaxing way to attain news and information. Lying on the sofa and watching the news can be the best way to attain news. Only disadvantage of watching the news is that there is a time limit and is unable to show all the information and news. They are even advertisement so the time will even be shortened. In my opinion, watching the news is ranked 3rd.

Lastly, the best way in my opinion which is surfing the internet. It is the best as it is convenient and the easiest way to obtain news. Fast and quick, the whole world’s information is in your hand in a matter of clicks away.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

H1N1 Guidelines

H1N1 is globalizing the whole world and is now a pandemic which have “murdered” estimated 3000 people. Here are some tips that can enable students to stay healthy and fit. First check your temperature every day before coming to school or heading out for lessons or shopping. Having a fever or a temperature of 37.6 and above? Rest at home or else wear a mask if it is compulsory to head out.
Next, wash your hands before you have your breakfast, lunch, dinner or even supper. Washing your hand will decrease the chances of germs living and thus, your hands will be cleaner. You can also apply soap so as to destroy the bacteria and germs. You can now have your dinner, breakfast, supper and lunch comfortably without worrying of the germs and bacteria on your hands.
You can also do your part even if you have H1N1! Wear a surgical mask to the nearest pandemic prepared clinic or else rest at home. Don’t know the venue of the nearest clinic? Message “Clinic” to 70550 and they will reply you the address of the nearest clinic. If you have difficulties breathing or else having chest pains, call 995 to look for an appointment.
You can also sneeze into a handkerchief or also cough into it. Do not cough or sneeze directly into the air as it will release bacteria and germs and affect others into spreading the virus.
These are some of the tips that I hope to share with my fellow students. Anyway, please take care of yourself!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Home Learning

I feel that Home Learning is more effective than Learning in School. Why?Although I feel that there are both advantages and disadvantages studying at home and studying at school, most students will obviously choose studying at home like myself!

Firstly, I will show the advantages of studying at School. When you're at School, there will be teachers teaching you how to excel in work. If a Student does not know how to do his work, he is able to consult the teacher into how to finish his work or solve his difficulties. Obviously, this will be the best way and the most straightforward way.Another advantage is that you're able to interact with your friends in school. Friends are rather important as everyone understands. Someone who doesn't interact with his or her friends will dread the fact that they are heading for school. They will feel that school seems like a hell for them and they will feel it is a waste of time. Compare it with someone who have lots of friends, they will obviously feel School is like their 2nd home. The student will have better results and also they can train their social skills.

Now, I will list the advantages of studying at home. At Home, you're able to have the Internet as your friend as it will have lots of information that your friends does not know. Type a question and it will show lots of answers. We are also able to voice out our ideas and we are also able to have discussions which are rarely seen in classes.We are still able to chat with our friends, using Msn Messenger, Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook or others.Home Learning is also faster so if we are late or slow in our studies in school, we are able to catch up with the schedule of learning.As you can see, the advantages of studying at home is more than studying at school.
Now, the Disadvantages of Studying at home... Some of us are technically dummies who are not really good in their computer skills so they will certainly lose out. Our results will then drop which is rather important.We are also at risk to internet strangers who are waiting to pounce on you when you're weak.

Conclusion is that I still wish that Home Learning is everyday even if it is on the weekends as I feel that it is more challenging and also fun.Still able to communicate with our friends and catch up with work.... Why Not?

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Favourite Poet

My favourite poet is likely to be Emily Dickinson as her poems are very touching and also very memorable.Emily Dickinson's poems were depicting her whole life.Unexpectedly, Emily Dickinson life wasn't the same as normal poets.Imagine William Sheakespeare,Elizabeth Bishop and William Wordsworth all in front of you, their lifes are playing ahead of your eyes like a video.Emily Dickinson's lifes were filled with loneliness and isolation.In her whole life, she seldom left her house and visitors were scarce. The people with whom she did come in contact, however, have an huge impact on her thinking and poetry.Emily Dickinson was also homesick which was why she stayed at home all the time and did not interact with the world.In the 1860s, Dickinson lived in almost total physical isolation from the outside world.Dickinson’s younger sister Lavinia also lived at home for her entire life in similar isolation.While Dickinson was extremely prolific as a poet and regularly enclosed poems in letters to friends, she was not publicly recognized during her lifetime.Maybe Dickinson wrote poems to express her feelings of not able to interact with the others and also to tell people her whole isolated life.Dickinson wasn't really very famous due to the fact that she did not interact with others but her poems were extraordinary with sentences showing her feeling and her thinking.Upon her death in 1886, Dickinson's family discovered 40 handbound volumes of nearly 1800 of her poems.Her poems includes " I heard a Fly Buzz" which she depicts the silence of her house and room , " I felt a Funeral In My Brain" which shows the feeling she felt whn she could not interact with the others and also " I measure evry grief I met" which shows the loneliness and fear in her heart. Here is one of the poems-" I heard a Fly Buzz"
I heard a Fly buzz – when I died –
The Stillness in the Room
Was like the Stillness in the Air –
Between the Heaves of Storm –
The Eyes around – had wrung them dry –
And Breaths were gathering firm
For that last Onset – when the King
Be witnessed – in the Room –
I willed my Keepsakes – Signed away
What portions of me be
Assignable – and then it was
There interposed a Fly –
With Blue – uncertain stumbling Buzz –
Between the light – and me –
And then the Windows failed – and then
I could not see to see –

Emily Dickinson deserves my appreciation as she is really determined and also perservered as despite she unable to interact with the world, she is able to write poems which depicts her life. Living in a world of darkness, isn't easy to find the motivation to do what you like but Emily Dickinson did it so why not us?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Favourite Poem

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Promoting An Online Shopping Website Through Designing A Poster

Designing a poster may seem easy to all people here but the most important part is to how well this posters attracts patrons to shop through the Internet here. Firstly, the key point here is the price tag of the items here. Many people have a desire to shop for goods that are expensive but after looking at the price tag, many people will shake their head and leave. A price tag showing '' $500" is able to persuade a person from not buying which is more effective than hiring a salesman to persuade people to buy items. Money is the first hinderance that enters a person's mind when shopping for items. The most effective way to attract people is to pull down the cost price and show," Limited period only. Offer will not repeat again after today!"

People will be astounded at the discounted rate and will rushed into the shop like ants entering a sweet shop. Money is the main priority in this cash- flowing world.Just shows the discounted rate of an item and people will start rushing in the shop. Another step is to show the customers the items on display so that people will not ponder over whether the items are substandard. Remember to also design the poster in bright coulors that will attract peoples' attention from far away. It is certainly more attractive than a poster with dull colours. This few simple steps will ensure that customers will burst into your shops when your posters are shown.

What Does Singapore Have To Host This Event?

Singapore to host the Youth Olympics Games? This was my first impression when I heard this news. Least did I expect that Singapore could host this important event. Firstly, Singapore is able to host this event is all due to our language. Singaporeans normally speak English which is a global language. Most people in the world are able to understand and speak this language which proves one of the main points here. Imagine Moscow hosting the Youth Olympics. Many people will not understand the language and will not be able to communicate with the Russians. This is one of the main point why Singapore was given the privilige to host the Youth Olympics Games.

Another reason why we were chosen to host this event is also due to the different types of racial races here. Tourists from other countries will be able to establish new friendships here at Singapore. I not counting on the fact of riots here but Singaporeans are friendly which will prevent this from happening. I am not saying that the Russians are unwelcome here but just to clarify this statement here. Despite Singapore is not as huge as other countries, the fact that all this reasons here ensure that the tourists will not mind the width of Singapore.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ending of Nothing But The Truth

Philip Malloy felt lonely and unable to make friends due to his story which cause many disagreement. Students looked at him with strange looks as if he was a monster. He could not tolerate anymore and control his emotions. He knew that he missed his former school but he also missed someone he least expected, Miss Narwin. He could not stop his tears from rolling down his cheeks, with his mind filled with the images of the once he hated teacher, Miss Narwin. Philip Malloy decided to atone for his mistakes which he made and his mind were filled with plans for the future. He immediately found out a way and he started performing it . . . . . .

His face appeared in every channel of the television and radios. With a tearful look. Philip Malloy mumbled," Sorry everybody. . . I have just told a lie which fooled almost everybody. Miss Narwin, sorry to you especially . . . . . ." Philip Malloy then ran down the stage with great speed to cover his face. Far away, Miss Narwin stood in silence. Her appearance was serious but in her mind, she knew that she had already forgiven Philip Malloy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Stop Being Cruel !

Japan has been claiming that whales are killed humanly and quickly. Is it true?

Japan hunts whales not just only for meat but also oils from the blubber of the whale. They already kill hundreds of whales and almost 90% of the female whales caught and killed were pregnant! This shows that the reproduction rate for whales are drastically decreasing.

Japan also claims that they hunt whales for scientific experiments but only some parts are used. The rest of the parts often end up in store shelves or gourmet restaurants as whale's meat is a delicacy there.

Most of the whales are on the brink of extinction. We are concerned about the killings of whale in Japan and we are going to end this. Whales are roaming the oceans and their lives are in our hands so please join me to stop whaling.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My first week at Hwa Chong

What a week at Hwa Chong! First week and can already feeling the pressure! Clever students all around you and every one have an equal chance of being better than you! You can somehow be last in secondary school, even though you are first in primary school. Now more subjects like History and Geography and even CCA practise are normally twice or thrice a week! Wow, can you feel the pressure?

Met my teachers like Mrs Raj, Ms Wun, Mr Tan, Mr Lim, Mr Yong and many more. Compare the number of teachers in your class and in Primary school. See another difference? Assignments on Internet are ten times more than Primary school. Despite the comments I made eariler were mostly on the bad side, there are also good comments. There are longer recess, more freedom and especially starting new friendships again. Now from an inmature child to a more matured adult. Let's look forward to 2009!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Under lots of pressure! Blogging's not my cup of tea

Hi, I am Gavyn Chua from Hwa Chong Institution. This is my first blog, please feel free to give me any comments.