Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Newspaper Review

Newspaper Article
A person who set up 3 charities and earned over $10000 in public donations was sent to prison for 5 years and 2 months which is the stiffest sentence ever gave to somebody linked to the public donations. A District Judge commented that he deserves a long sentence due to his 3 bogus charities and his cheat which fooled everybody. I feel that many people nowadays are using charities or donation as a way to fool everybody to donate money so as to be able to embezzle money. Look at the earlier story on the Ren Ci Hospital’s monk who embezzled money which were donated by people who were touched by his actions like walking on a rope over a high height over Suntec City. His actions were really touching and was really daring in his actions. He was using people’s feelings and sympathy to be able to be able to embezzle money. Evil will always not be able to overpass good, who will be expecting that he embezzled money? Many people will not expecting it and felt ihe was willing to be able to help the needies. Now the public and people who look at him in a different way. Are you willing to be looked at a different way and people calling you like an evil person who embezzled money or be the same as the public? Choose for yourselves

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