Monday, March 1, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird ( Using MI )

Is Maycomb a good place to live in? Is Maycomb corrupted?
[Focus on 2 main themes: Courage and Prejudice]
My 2 highest MI are Naturalists and Interpersonal respectively. I will be researching on the natural habitat of mockingbird. In my research, I will include the kind of flora and fauna you think exist in Maycomb and explain why the mockingbirds live in Maycomb. For Interpersonal, I will conduct an interview with a friend or family member. I will find out from their point of view on prejudice and discrimination. I will write out the interview.
Naturalists - Research

Mockingbirds are a group of New World passerine birds from the Mimidae family. They are best known for the habit of some species mimicking the songs of other birds and the sounds of insects and amphibians, often loudly and in rapid succession. I think that the mockingbirds live in Maycomb due to the fact that it is a rather desolated and peaceful town. Mockingbirds are also willing to nest near houses which the Maycomb citizens who are peaceful and do not resort to violence straight away, also attracts mockingbirds to come to Maycomb. The people in Maycomb also fond of the Mockingbird’s song, therefore more mockingbirds come to Maycomb. I think that the trees and fauna which grow in Maycomb are the maple trees and oak trees. As the mockingbirds love maple, I think that the Maycomb citizens grow maple trees. I think that they also grow oak trees as there is a forest behind Maycomb. I also think that grow rice plants as Maycomb is rather isolated and there are fertile land which they can grow wheat to harvest crops like the Cunninghams.

Interpersonal - Interview(Interview)
Interviewer: What do you think is prejudice?

Interviewee: I think that prejudice is a a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation and it is synonymous to ''bias'' and ''prepossess''.

Interviewer: Can you tell us some example?

Interviewee: Jane Austen's famous novel ''Pride and Prejudice'' is the best suited example in this respect. When you read the novel, the very first line that would strike you is it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. It is an example of 18th century English middle class prejudice that eventually looked upon women just as an object.

Interviewer: What is discrimination then?
Interviewee: It is the action or behaviour on somebody due to the fact of prejudice.

Interviewer: Can you show us some example?

Interviewee: There was a case in which a company laid off 28 people but only one of them was under the age of 40 years old. The case was then sent to court by the person who was fired under the age of 40 and it was considered age discrimination.
Interviewer: Can you tell me which aspect do you feel is more important?

Interviewee : I feel that it is prejudice as if they is no prejudice, there is no discrimination. The belief of someone then results into the actions of discriminating of that someone.

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